Sunday, August 12, 2012

I Hear the Cello With My Soul

O sing unto the LORD a new song;
for he hath done marvelous things.
Psalm 98:1 (King James Version)

I am sitting here watching the closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics. What an awesome spectacle filled with the music of the United Kingdom. If you watched it for yourself it was a great reminder of the power of music to unite people and to move the deepest reaches of our souls. Our congregation, perhaps more than most, knows as well the great truth that music does not merely bring us together or move our souls, but also can bring us together with God in praise and thanksgiving and move our souls into the loving embrace of our Creator.

This past Thursday and Friday I attended the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit at the simulcast site at Grove City Church of the Nazarene. During the two days a couple hundred pastors and other church leaders as well as Christian business people watched as via satellite from Chicago amazing leaders spoke about different elements of Christian leadership. This was my second year to attend, as last year I attended at a simulcast site in Oklahoma City. During certain breaks between speakers music was provided, again via satellite from Chicago, by a band called Gungor, which is named for the married couple that makes up the core of the band. When I heard them play it was one of those moments when you are just blown away by a new sound. Someday I will remember the first time I heard and saw Gungor. Their music moved me toward God in a way that not a whole lot of music can. I want you to watch this video of them performing the song that moves me the most.

Gungor: "You Make Beautiful Things"

One of the reasons that song moves me so much, besides those amazing words of assurance, "You make beautiful things, beautiful things, out of dust. You make beautiful things out of us," is the fact that I love the cello. To me, a well played cello is like an angel playing into my heart. I have absolutely no musical talent or knowledge, but I hear the cello with my soul, not with my ears. That's why the next musician that I was introduced to by the Global Leadership Summit blew me away too. He is a young man named Kevin Olusola. He is absolutely amazing and I promise you that you have never heard anything like it. He plays the Cello and beatboxes at the same time. You have to watch this video in its entirety. It is ridiculously awesome and I could even hear his beatboxing in my soul as the cello carried it in.

Kevin Olusola: "Julie-O"

Finally, my ears and soul almost exploded when Gungor and Kevin Olusola collaborated on a song that alludes to the vision of the valley of dry bones by the prophet Ezekiel. It is a crying out to Jesus to give these dry bones life. It is breathtaking. Watch and listen to the whole thing. You will be blessed.

Gungor with Kevin Olusola: "Dry Bones"

First Presbyterian Church of Austin, Texas used to have a musical ensemble that lead the music at their early morning worship service that included a cello. I always woke up early for that.

I hope that this post was a blessing to you, that through hearing others sing unto the Lord a new song that you were reminded that God hath done marvelous things. Sing a song of praise to God with your life this week. If you ask, He'll give you the tune. I hope mine sounds like a cello.

Love to you all in Christ's name,