Tuesday, November 25, 2014

20 Things for Which I am Thankful

I apologize for not writing a post last week.  With having a presbytery meeting, a session meeting, and having to write my monthly column for our church newsletter, I just couldn't fit it into my schedule.  This week all I am going to do is offer you a list of things for which I am thankful.  This list is in no particular order and is made up of things that have popped into my mind throughout the day.

1.  I am thankful for my health and for the health of my family.  We cannot take it for granted that we will always be this healthy so we better appreciate it while we are.

2.  I am thankful I don't live in Ferguson, Missouri today.  If you have watched the news you know there are lots of reasons to be thankful for being somewhere else.

3.  I am thankful for my wife, Danielle.  Not everyone has a good marriage.  Danielle and I have a great marriage.  

4.  I am thankful that my eight-year-old son, Wyatt, made a basket in his basketball game last weekend.  I'm not one of those parents who lives vicariously through my kids and pushes them to succeed where I have failed (although I was terrible at basketball).  I'm thankful because when we're learning something new we all need "a win" at some point to give us the energy to keep growing and learning.  The smile on his face was priceless.

5.  I am thankful that my almost-five-year-old, Josselyn, loves to climb up in the chair with me every evening for "daddy snuggles."  That won't always be the case.  I better be thankful for it while I have it.

6.  I am thankful that I serve a congregation that doesn't just care about what I can provide for them but cares for me as a member of their family of faith.  I hear a lot of colleagues talk of constant tension between them and their congregations.  I'm fortunate not to have to deal with that.

7.  I am thankful that I wasn't born in the mid-1800's.  I love history and the more I learn about the Civil War the more thankful I am that I wasn't around back then.

8.  I am thankful that we live in a beautiful manse that is well taken care of by the church trustees.  When something breaks, it's not my problem.  I'm very thankful for that.

9.  I am thankful that our two dogs, Eli and Daisy, run excitedly to the door to meet me when I come in the house.  It's always nice to know that someone is glad you are home.

10.  I am thankful that the local CVS carries Clubman Mustache Wax.  For some strange reason I've been wanting to grow an Old West style handlebar mustache, but I had trouble finding the wax I need to make that happen.  Thanks CVS for making my dream a reality!

11.  I am thankful that Josselyn wanted to watch the movie Gremlins with me this past weekend and that she enjoyed it and didn't have any nightmares.

12.  I am thankful that Wyatt has inherited my love for history and biography.  The fact that I can have a conversation with my eight-year-old about World War II fills me with joy.

13.  I am thankful for the staff of our church.  They are all exceptional and do way more than anyone realizes.

14.  I am thankful that Netflix has picked up the fourth season of the show Longmire.  I love the books and I love the show.  I was so disappointed when A&E cancelled it out of the blue. Last season ended on a cliffhanger.  Now we'll know the answer!

15.  I am thankful for the people who are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to serve in the military.  Not only are they sometimes in harm's way but they spend so much time away from their families.  I know that because my dad was in the Navy for 20+ years and he had to be gone about six out of every twelve months.

16.  I am thankful that this year I have been able to see my dad, step-mom, stepsister and her husband and kids in South Carolina, my sister in Philadelphia, and my mom, step-dad, brother, sister and her husband and their daughter in San Antonio.  I didn't make it to California to see my other sister and her kids, but I'm very thankful for the number of folks I did get to see this year.

17.  I am thankful that I haven't had a kidney stone in three years.  I've had somewhere around seven kidney stones since I was 19-years-old.  If you've ever had one, you know why I'm glad that I've had a three year break.

18.  I am thankful for Danielle's homemade stuffing even though she made some the other day for her co-workers and I didn't get to eat any of it.  (update: she brought me the two-day old leftovers, which I ate)

19.  I am thankful that my student loans are finally paid off!  Freedom!

20.  I am thankful for the grace and mercy of God in Jesus Christ, for the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of our Lord, for mercy, forgiveness, strength, faith, hope, and peace. People who don't know this will never understand what they're missing.

I could go on forever and ever.  I have so much for which to be thankful.  Consider taking the time this week to write out twenty things for which you are thankful.  I bet you won't have a problem coming up with that many.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Grace and Peace,