Tuesday, May 6, 2014

You Matter

Here is a realization I had this past Monday.  It hit me while I was standing in my kitchen and nearly knocked me down (or more accurately nearly made me float off the floor).  These were words I've needed to hear not with my ears, but with my heart for thirty-five years. My guess is that some of you need to hear them too.

If you matter, you matter just by being, not by doing something that "matters."  If you matter, you matter no matter what.  You will never know you matter until you know from within that you matter. Until you realize that you matter no matter what, you will keep looking for ways to matter: a new relationship, a new job, a new project.  Stop searching for ways to matter. Stop TRYING to matter.  You matter just by being.  That's grace.

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." Welcome to freedom, friends.  Welcome to freedom.

Have a great week.

Grace and Peace,