Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reasons I loved Kirkmont by Alex Behrends

On the very first night at Kirkmont we had an amazing supper. Burgers and hot dogs which led up to an amazing beginning to our almost week long activity “The Amazing Race”.

In one challenge we had to shoot apple seeds at a target with a slingshot, in another we planted trees which are still there to this day. We planted them and they will always be there. Throughout this entire week I made a lot of friends. Starting from about day 2 we had the idea to have an arts and crafts competition. We all made bow and arrows. I still have my working bow that I made, along with the memories of the fantastic fun we all had throughout this week long period.

Every night after supper we had an activity one time it was soccer, twice it was the amazing race, and a few times we had different competitions to challenge us and once it was a choir type activity. After that we had a beautiful sing along campfire worship which lasted about an hour and shared real life experiences. Before that there was Lunch.

After the lunch you had one hour to relax and do whatever you want. You could read or you could play Scatterball at the arena, or in much of our case you could do arts and crafts. After that you either had a hike, Archery (one of my favorite things), mud climb which unfortunately had 0 mud, or on multiple occasions you went to the pool. But before even that you had an amazing breakfast which then lead to worship with the Bible with the Girls Cabent of our same age(12-14). Then from there you went to another worship service where you got to learn about the grounds and God and all the interesting things but it was done in game, story, or song form.

After all meals we had a little workout which we used to help our bodies digest our food and get ready for the days activities. And in the wee morning you would be woken up by the camp director who would come in and sing to wake us up every morning. The most fun though was the night when we got to sleep on the hill in the cool night air. Before we went to sleep we had a Snipe hunt. A mythical creature never before seen and only lives on Kirkmont grounds. That was fun! The night before the night we HAD to leave was a nature walk across the entire grounds. That also was very fun.

I encourage anyone who is on the fence about going to go. You will not regret it. It was probably the most fun I have ever had!


Alex Behrends