Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why have a pastor's blog?

It might seem pretty self-important for a pastor to have a blog, and maybe it is. There is always that risk for us pastors. If I didn't like 100 or 200 people sitting and listening to what I have to say then I wouldn't have become a pastor. But the reason I have decided to start this blog is that I don't get to see most of our congregation members and friends in between Sundays. In addition to that, when I do get to see everyone on Sundays I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make sure Sunday school is running smoothly, that we are ready to go for worship, and then afterwards trying to learn 150 names and answer almost that many questions. Also, quite often I have to cut quite a bit of material out of a sermon so it can all fit within the context of our worship service. But sometimes what I have to cut could help in the understanding of the Scriptures if I just had a way to share it too. Well, now I do!

I hope that this blog will not end up being an outlet for my random musings about pop culture or politics, but that it will be one more tool in my pastor's toolbox to help the people whom I serve to grow closer to God in Jesus Christ. I might share a story or something I've read or maybe a particular movie I have seen that has a faith element to it. My plan is that either on Tuesday or Wednesday of each week I will post. You should be notified through the Facebook page and you'll also be able to access it through www.fpcwcho.org. It is also my hope that you will feel free to post relevant comments to join in on the conversation.

Also, if I occasionally write something of worth, use this blog as a way to invite your friends and neighbors to learn more about our congregation. "Hey, my pastor happened to blog about something I know you're interested in. You should check it out. Just go to www.fpcwcho.org and you can click on the blog on the front page." It's as easy as that!

I'm so glad to be here at FPC in Washington Court House! We have a lot of adventures in store for us in our future together.